Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Introduction to the Practical Prep Course

  • 2

    Theory Concepts: The Programming Web

    • Theory Concepts 1

    • Theory Concepts 2

    • Theory Concepts 3

    • Theory Concepts 4

  • 3

    Run Through

    • Run Through

  • 4

    Practical Exam Package

    • Practical Exam Package 1

    • Practical Exam Package 2

    • Evaluation Form Explanation

  • 5

    Lets Go Through It

    • Introduction

    • Passive Posture Assessment Introduction

    • Dynamic Posture Assessment Introduction

    • Warm up & Cardio Component

    • Gateway Movements: Upper Limb: Retraction and Protraction

    • Gateway Movements: Upper Limb: Elevation and Depression

    • Gateway Movements: Lower Limb: Anterior & Posterior Pelvic Tilt

    • Gateway Movements: Lower Limb: Lateral Tilt

    • Gateway Movements: Lower Limb: Hip Hinge

    • Dynamic Assessment 1: Seated Spinal Rotation Test

    • Dynamic Assessment 2: Supine Leg Raise Test

    • Dynamic Assessment 3: Overhead Squat Test

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    Resistance Training Section

    • Category 1: Squat Variation 1

    • Category 1: Squat Variation 2

    • Category 2: Lunge Variation

    • Category 2: Lunge Variation: Progression 1

    • Category 2: Lunge Variation: Progression 2

    • Category 2: Lunge Variation: Progression 3

    • Category 3: Deadlift Variation 1 Part 1

    • Category 3: Deadlift Variation 1 Part 2

    • Category 3: Deadlift Variation 2

    • Category 4: Push Variation

    • Category 4: Push Variation: Regression 1

    • Category 4: Push Variation: Regression 2

    • Category 5: Pull Variation: Part 1

    • Category 5: Pull Variation: Part 2

    • Category 5: Pull Variation: Part 3

    • Category 6: Plank Variation

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    Flexibility & Stretching Component

    • Stretch 1: Glute & Piriformis Stretch

    • Stretch 2: Hip Flexor, TFF, Rectus Femoris & Iliopsoas Stretch

    • Stretch 3: Pectoral Group, Anterior Deltoid & Bicep Stretch

    • Stretch 4: Pole Stretch: Latissimus Dorsi, Posterior Deltoid, Romboids and Trap Stretch

    • Stretch 5: Adductor Group Stretch

    • Stretch 6: Erector Spine & Latissimus Dorsi Stretch

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    The Conclusion

    • The Conclusion and the Reference List